Glycoselect Investment opportunity - eiis 2021

GlycoSeLect sees strong interest in 2021 EIIS Investment Opportunity

Dublin – July, 2021

In January this year, GlycoSeLect launched its 2021 Fundraising Round, which has seen significant interest from eligible investors. The programme allows availing of tax relief up to 40% against total income under the Irish Employment & Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS), as part of the investment in qualifying Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

This finance round will facilitate further investment and grants to develop our Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin (RPL) technology in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, especially for vaccine and cancer immunotherapy applications.

A few areas of interest that the company is focusing on are lectin-based therapeutics, such as lectin-based drug targeting. These drug delivery systems could be greatly beneficial in cancer therapy due to their ability to specifically bind and attack tumorous cells. Targeted drug delivery enhances the exposure of drugs to the targeted sites and minimizes the side effect to normal and healthy tissues. This feature makes it a key area of interest for new therapeutics that provide an alternative to radiation and surgical resurrection methods.

“We are pleased to see investors interested in our technology and its applications in the pharmaceutical industry. This is a perfect opportunity for those that are looking to invest in an Irish company developing cutting-edge technology which can be used to assist the manufacture and analysis of vaccines and cancer immunotherapies,” commented GlycoSeLect’s CEO, Robert Dunne.

For more information on this investment opportunity, please visit our EIIS page or contact our CEO, Robert Dunne, by email or Tel 01 2544164, Mobile 087 7902652.

About GlycoSelect Ltd

GlycoSeLect Ltd develops innovative technologies for the analysis, characterisation and purification of biopharmaceuticals. These next-generation products are highly specific for glycan structures improving product development and improving the cost-efficiency of their manufacturing. GlycoSeLect specialises in the development of proteins based on recombinant prokaryotic lectins RPLs. Our RPL products advance efficient detection, analysis and selective isolation of glycosylated pharmaceutical products. GlycoSeLect’s family of RPLs products are associated with market-leading properties, including high affinity for glycan targets, high sensitivity of detection, high stability and robustness in process development.

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